
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Up Coming Films


'The Crazies'

Timothy Olyphant and Radha Mitchell

This remake of the 1973 George A. Romero film finds a small town sheriff (Timothy Olyphant) trying to figure out why everyone in the sleepy little town has suddenly gone crazy.

'Shutter Island'

Leonardo DiCaprio

Martin Scorsese's latest film, Shutter Island, is absolutely fascinating, at times frustrating, too long by half an hour, has pacing issues - and is worth seeing twice. In fact, it's almost necessary to see it twice. A psychological drama reminiscent of Hitchcock's work, Shutter Island (despite its flaws) not only solidifies the fact Scorsese's a master filmmaker, but showcases the best performance of Leonardo DiCaprio career.

Weekend Box Office Estimates:
1. Shutter Island
Gross:  40.2
Cume:  40.2
2. Valentine's Day
 Gross: 17.2
 Cume: 87.4
3. Avatar
 Gross: 16.1
 Cume: 687.8
4. Percy Jackson & The Olympians
Gross: 15.3
Cume: 58.8
5. The Wolfman
Gross: 9.8
Cume: 50.3
*Weekend of Feb. 19-21. Figures in $ mil.

1 comment:

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